- a few less errand-type things, since Garth is home, and at the same time, a few more errand-type things, since Garth is home
- garden planning, but not much action yet - but the seeds came, and it's time to start some peppers and onions
- teaching Tai Chi to children at Pheasant Rump (if I'd known it was going to be children, I'd have said no - Tai Chi is too leisurely for children, except the ones who, like me, were born old)
- organizing rehearsals and recruiting singers and practising piano parts for a Good Friday Cantata (volunteers welcome, especially altos, tenors, and basses)
- fretting occasionally about all the other music I should be practising (accompaniments for the kids' music festival solos, organ music for an upcoming wedding - I don't even know what they want yet)
- starting to compose a sermon for Sunday, and realizing that I'll have to come up with all the prayers etc. as well because I let my Gathering Magazine subscription expire
- trying, in fits and starts, to clean up my clutter so I can get these things done more efficiently
- writing out priority lists and schedules which are slowly convincing me that, if I'm going to scrape up some money and renovate this house and expand the garden and build a root cellar and do a lot more food preserving than I've ever done before . . . a lot of the above busy-ness has simply got to go
- reading stuff like Wayne's recent posts about climate change that reinforce my conviction that a lot of the above busy-ness has simply got to go
- enjoying having Garth home . . . gotta do more of that . . .
solstice letter
2 months ago
How did you get conned into teaching Tai-Chi to kids?
Well, I thought it was an all-ages thing, with the kids basically being allowed to come along, because that's how they do things (which is good). But then the adults didn't show up. It's being funded as a health project for prevention and management of diabetes. Maybe the kids will teach their parents????
"starting to compose a sermon for Sunday, and realizing that I'll have to come up with all the prayers etc. as well" --
Laura, is this a regular thing or some special occasion?
It's an occasional thing. I took a course for lay worship leaders in the United Church, and I fill in whenever I'm needed, but almost exclusively in my home church because I'm the organist so I can't be trotting off here and there on a Sunday. Recently I have been in "discernment," the United Church's process of meetings to discern an individual's call to ministry (including possible ordination or other formal ministry roles), so the Session of our church decided to support that process by giving me every opportunity to lead worship. It has been a good, in-depth experience - in the fall I did a series of four Sundays, while our minister took some leave. But now I am looking towards other roles (such as chair of the Faith Formation and Christian Education Committee, come the fall), putting more emphasis on down-to-earth work of being a church member and a neighbour in this town.
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