Monday, February 26, 2007

The Bin at the Back of Beyond

While I was thigh-deep in those snowbanks, it occurred to me that I could try vermicomposting.

I recovered my senses during the trudge back out.


Anonymous said...

When I have ideas like this, I generally just sit down in a quiet place. Usually, the ideas pass.


arcolaura said...

Usually, by the time I find a quiet place, I have forgotten why I was looking for it. That works too.

Deb said...

I briefly considered shoveling a path to my compost bin the other day, then perhaps wisely decided to just start a new bucket and stash the full one outside somewhere.

arcolaura said...

Has your snow got a lot deeper just in the last week or two? I had been murmuring about how little snow we'd had since the first dump in the fall, and how shallow it was on the fields, even though the ditches were full. But now I have to admit, we have a lot of snow. Time to locate a canoe so we can enjoy Lake Arcola during the thaw!

Deb said...

Yes, actually about 20 inches in the last day or two! It's gonna be a mess from when the snow starts melting until the ground thaws. I may have to drag one of the canoes up to the house.